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  2. Customer Groups

Managing Your Customer Groups

The groups you create for your campaigns are not static. They will continually be updated with customer information that Kimoby retrieves from your database. You can add customers to a group manually, with rules, or through an import. 

For more information on creating groups, read Creating Customer Groups.

Quick Links

Using the Split Group Feature 

When you're sending a message to a large group, you can split it into sub-groups first to stagger your campaign. That way, you can better manage the response, and your team won't be overwhelmed.

  1. Select the Campaigns tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the Groups sub-tab.
  3. Select the group you want to split.
  4. Select the Split s3.amazonaws.comcdn.freshdesk.comdatahelpdeskattachmentsproduction30027067146originalxCcWlvlUTT14nkfbiijj3KHGq77gmLuR6A icon, at the top corner, on the left side of your screen to create sub-groups.
  5. Under Number of sub-groups, enter the number of sub-groups you want. The group will be divided by the number.
  6. Select Split to confirm.

Please note that when you're back on the Groups page, you'll see your group sub-divided with 1/2 and 2/2, for example.

Excluding and Removing Customers From Groups

Excluding a customer from a group will be permanent unless you manually revert the action. If you simply remove a customer from a group, they will come back into the group if they match the set of rules. Removing customers is mainly used when they were originally added manually to the group, and you're now ready to remove them.

  1. Select the Groups Sleep (42) tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the group of your choice.
  3. Select the check box next to the name of the customer you wish to exclude from your group.
  4. Select Exclude.

Viewing Excluded Customers From Groups

After excluding customers from groups, you can always review them in case you want to make any changes.

  1. Select the Campaigns tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the Groups sub-tab.
  3. Select the group for which you wish to see the excluded customers.
  4. Select Excluded customers.

Returning Excluded Customers to Groups

  1. Select the Campaigns tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the Groups sub-tab.
  3. Select the group for which you wish to add back customers or remove an exclusion.
  4. Select Excluded customers.
  5. Select the customers you wish to Reinclude in group or Remove exclusion.
    • If you select Reinclude in group, the customers will be added manually to the group.
    • If you select Remove exclusion, the customer's exclusion will be removed. This means that if the customer matches the rules again, they will be re-added to the group, However, if they were originally added manually to the group because they don't necessarily match the rules, they won't be automatically reinstated. 

Editing an Existing Group

You can change the name of y our group and the rules of your group at any time.

Editing Name

  1. Select the Edit Edit icon directly above your current group's name.
  2. Rename your group.
  3. Select Update.

Editing Rules

  1. Select Edit rules Sleep (95).
  2. Select Edit Edit next to the rule you wish to edit.
  3. Make your changes. 
  4. Select Save changes at the bottom of your group rules box. 

Deleting a Group

  1. Select the Campaigns tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the Groups sub-tab.
  3. Select the group you wish to delete. 
  4. Select the Delete Delete icon above your current group's name. 
  5. Select Delete group.