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  2. Customer Profiles

Managing Your Customer Profiles

It's possible to manage your customer profiles from various sections in the app. Whether you want to change a customer's information, add a new attribute, or unsubscribe a customer, it's all here.

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Editing Customer Information

You can easily edit a customer's information, such as name, address, birth date, and more, in various sections of the app: directly in the customer's profile, or in Conversations, Automations, Groups or Campaigns.

In a Customer's Profile

  1. Select the Customers Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-35-13-90-PM tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the customer's name.
  3. Select the Edit Edit icon above the customer's name.
  4. Edit or add any information or attribute.
  5. Select Save profile at the top right corner of your screen.

In Conversations

  1. Select any conversation, your customer's information will appear on the right-hand side of your screen.
  2. On the right-hand side you will access your customer's details and be able to edit the information directly from there.
  3. If you want more options, select the customer's name, and you will be redirected to their customer profile.

In Appointments

  1. Select the customer's name, and the appointment information will appear. 
  2. Next to the Appointment tab, select Customer.
  3. You will be able to edit every field with the pen Edit icon.
  4. If you want more options, select the customer's name, and you will be redirected to their customer profile.

In Groups

  1. Select any group.
  2. Select your customer, and you will be redirected to their customer profile. From there, you will be able to quickly edit any field with the pen Edit icon next to it.
  3. You can also select the Edit Edit icon at the top of your screen for more options.

In Campaigns

  1. Select a campaign.
  2. Select your customer, and their information will appear. You will be able to edit every field with the pen Edit icon.
  3. If you want more options simply select the customer's name and you will be redirected to their customer profile.

Editing a Customer's Phone Number

You can edit, add, or delete a customer's phone number in any conversation, appointment, automation, campaign, or group. However, if you enter a customer's phone number that's already in use or incorrect, you will see an error message.

Whenever you view a customer's contact information, you will see a pencil Edit icon next to the phone number.

  1. Select the grey area of the phone number you want to edit.
  2. Edit, add, or delete a phone number.
  3. Save by clicking anywhere else on your page, by hitting Enter on your keyboard, or selecting the green check icon.

 Adding a New Attribute to a Customer Profile

You can use attributes to personalize your message and provide more information on your customers.

In a Customer Profile

  1. Select the Customers Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-35-13-90-PM tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the customer's name.
  3. Select the Edit Edit icon above the customer's name.
  4. Select + Add new attribute at the bottom of the the Attributes column.
  5. Add a name for the attribute.
  6. Select the attribute type. The attribute can be a text, collection of texts, date, or number.
  7. Enter the value.
  8. Select Add attribute.
  9. Select Save profile at the top right corner of your screen.

In Appointments

  1. Select the Appointments Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-37-13-93-PM tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select New appointment.
  3. Fill in the Information section.
  4. Select Attributes.
  5. Select Add new attribute.
  6. Add a name for the attribute.
  7. Select the attribute type. The attribute can be a text, collection of texts, date, or number.
  8. Enter the attribute value.
  9. Select Add attribute at the top right corner of your screen.
  10. Select Create appointment.

By Importing Spreadsheets

If your account does not have a third-party integration, you will need to manually add custom attributes to your customer profiles by importing an Excel spreadsheet.

Make sure your Excel sheet is clean before starting the import. This means no empty or extra rows and columns, no drop-down lists in your first row, one value per cell, and no main title at the top of your spreadsheet, except for the column titles. For best results, save your Excel sheet as a .csv.

Also, please note that Kimoby needs the customer reference and cell phone numbers. Make sure this information is in the spreadsheet columns. If the customer reference or cell phone number is missing, it will create customer duplicates.

You can add any custom attributes to a customer profile in Kimoby by importing customer lists from different sections of the app: from the Customers tab, the Groups tab, or the Appointments tab.

If you want to add custom attributes:

  • While adding a customer list, import your list by selecting the Customers Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-35-13-90-PM tab, on the left side of your screen.
  • While sharing a new campaign, import your list by selecting the Groups Sleep-Aug-19-2021-02-42-49-79-PM sub-tab, under the Campaigns tab, on the left side of your screen.
  • While setting up a new appointment, import your list by selecting the Appointments Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-37-13-93-PM tab on the left side of your screen.

Follow these steps once you've selected the CustomersGroups, or Appointments tab.

  1. Select the Import Sleep (29)-1 button on the left side of your screen.
  2. Drag and drop your Excel sheet in the Import customers or Import appointments box or select browse your files.
  3. Select Create import.
  4. Select the field each column belongs to by clicking on the Belongs to scroll down menu and selecting out of the tree Custom new attributes options: New string, New number, and New date.
    1. New string:Refers to any customer attribute that is not represented by a date or a number.
    2. New number: Refers to any customer attribute that is represented by a number.
    3. New date: Refers to any customer attribute that is represented by a date.
  5. Name your customer attribute under Attribute name.
  6. If you selected New date, you will need to choose the date format under Format.
  7. Select Import.

Deleting a Customer Profile


Once you delete a customer profile, it's not possible to recover it.

  1. Select the customer's name from anywhere in Kimoby to open the customer's profile.
  2. Select the Delete Delete icon above the customer's name.
  3. Select Yes, delete customer.

Manually Unsubscribing a Customer

Please note

Once you unsubscribe a customer, the only way for a customer to resubscribe is by replying START in the last text conversation or by texting START to your Kimoby phone number.

If a customer requests to be unsubscribed, it's your legal duty to unsubscribe the customer to comply with the applicable anti-spam laws. Read more on the Canadian anti-spam legislation and here for the American-anti-spam legislation.

In a Conversation

From your desktop:

  1. Select the customer's conversation.
  2. Select Unsubscribe Sleep (49) at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Yes, unsubscribe.

From your mobile:

  1. Select the customer's conversation.
  2. Select the options menu at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Select Unsubscribe from receiving messages Sleep (49).
  4. Select Unsubscribe.

In Customers

From your desktop:

  1. Select Customers Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-35-13-90-PM
  2. Search for your customer's name.
  3. Select the checkbox next to your customer's name.
  4. Select Unsubscribe Sleep (49).
  5. Select Yes, unsubscribe customer.

From your mobile:

  1. Select the Customers Sleep-Aug-19-2021-02-42-49-79-PM tab at the bottom of your screen.
  2. Select your customer's name.
  3. Select the options menu at the top right corner of your screen.
  4. Select Unsubscribe from receiving messages Sleep (49).
  5. Select Unsubscribe.

In a Customer Profile

  1. Select the Customers Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-35-13-90-PM tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Search for your customer's name.
  3. Select your customer's name. You will be redirected to their profile.
  4. Select Unsubscribe Sleep (49) under your customer's name.
  5. Select Yes, unsubscribe.

In Appointments

  1. Select Appointments Sleep (60).
  2. Select the customer's appointment.
  3. Select Customer, to see their information.
  4. Select Unsubscribe Sleep (49).
  5. Select Yes, unsubscribe.

The first message sent to a customer in Kimoby automatically offers the option to unsubscribe by replying STOP and HELP to ask for help.

Otherwise, it will be implied that the customer consents to receive your messages.

Exporting Customer Lists

You can export your customer list in Excel or CSV files.

Include all your customers or add a filter to include only customers who don't have a cellphone or unsubscribed.

For unsubscribed customers, you can create your lists by choosing a specific date range.

  1. Select the Customers Sleep-Aug-16-2021-05-35-13-90-PM tab.
  2. Select Export Sleep (15)-1 under New customer at the top left corner of your screen.
  3. Filter your selection between AllWithout cellphone, and Unsubscribed customers.
  4. For the Unsubscribed customers, choose whether you want all unsubscribed customers or only those unsubscribed during a specific time range.
  5. Choose if you want your list to be exported in an Excel (XLSX) or CSV file.
  6. Click on Export list.
  7. You will receive an email including your new customer list.