Managing Your Automations

In the Automations section, it's easy to see all of your active and inactive automations and make changes according your needs.

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Viewing your Automation Messages

  1. Select the Automations Sleep (32) tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the automation.
  3. Select View message Sleep (100) at the top right corner of your screen.
  4. Your automation's message will appear. You can copy it by selecting Copy Sleep (126).

Using Automation Filters

Filters can be useful to view specific automations according to their status. Filters include Appointment, General, Payment, Review, Active, Inactive.

  1. On the left side of your automation screen, you will see a section called Filters.
  2. By selecting the checkboxes, you can filter your automations.

Changing the Active/Inactive Status of an Automation

You can always change the status to active or inactive. For example, if you have an automation for tire season, you won't need it all year long.

  1. Select the automation you want to edit.
  2. Select Active/Inactive at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Choose whether you want to activate or deactivate the automation.

Editing an Automation

You can edit your automations whether they are active or inactive. 

  1. Select the automation you wish to edit.
  2. Select the Edit Edit icon at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Navigate and modify any option of the automation you want. 
  4. Select Save.

You can always discard your changes by clicking on Exit at the top left corner of your screen. You will have to confirm whether you want to Save and exit, or Exit without saving.

Deleting an Automation

You can delete an active or inactive automation anytime.

  1. Select the automation you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete Delete icon  at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Confirm whether you want to No, keep automation or Yes, delete automation.