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  2. Instant Marketing Campaigns

Creating Your First Campaign

Start your first Instant Marketing Campaign today and discover what an effective tool it is to target the right audience for your message. The results will speak for themselves; greater engagement and higher sales are likely to follow.

It's easy to create a campaign from the Campaign interface or from the customer groupings you've already created. Here are a few customer groupings you may have created depending on your field: 

  • Car/home insurance renewal date in January/February/etc.
  • Cat/dog/etc. owners
  • Customers from a specific region/town
  • Customers who bought a new vehicle in the last year
  • Etc. 

Quick Links

Creating a Campaign From the Campaign Interface

  1. Select Campaigns, on the left side of your screen
  2. Select New campaign.


  1. Write a name for your campaign.
  2. Select Next.


  1. Write the message you want to send with your campaign. Campaign messages should always be short, clear, and straight to the point. See the Campaign Message Examples section templates you can use or adapt.
  2. After you write your message, you will see a preview and you can send a test to the number you want. 
  3. Select Next


Keyword-Triggered Response

You can automate a follow-up message based on a customer’s response to your campaign message. You can configure a different message depending on the keywords detected in their reply.

  1. Check this box if you want to activate a message sent automatically to a customer when they reply with a certain keyword.
  2. Enter the keywords you want to trigger the automatic reply.
  3. Enter the automatic reply message.
  4. Under Assign replies, select the user who will be receiving the campaign's responses when a customer replies with one of the keywords.
  5. Select Add Keyword Response if you want to add more automatic replies with different keywords. If multiple keywords are detected in a customer’s response, the automatic reply sent will be the one closest to the top of the list.


We recommend using multiple variations of a keyword to capture a wide range of possible replies. For example, if you want the reply to trigger when a customer replies “Yes”, you can also include the keywords: “Yeah”, “Ya”, “Okay”, “Ok”, and “Sure”.

Fallback action

  1. Select the user who will be receiving the campaign's responses by default or when a customer’s reply does not contain one of the keywords from the Keyword-Triggered Response above.
  2. Select the Enable Fallback Response button here if you want to activate a default message sent automatically to a customer when they reply or if their reply doesn’t contain a keyword from the Keyword-Triggered Response above.
  3. Enter the automatic reply message.
  4. Select Next.


Your final list of customers reached by your campaign are the targeted customers minus the excluded ones. If someone is in both targeted and excluded customer, they will be excluded.

  1. Set up the groups targeted for your campaign.
    • On the left, you have all the available groups for target and exclusion. You can also Search for one or more groups... in the search field. You can target whichever group you want and you can exclude any groups as well. 
    • On the right, you have the targeted and excluded groups. Excluded groups are optional. For example, an excluded group could be a group of customers who don't want to be contacted through campaigns.
    • You will be able to see how many customers will be reached with your campaign on the top right corner of your campaign screen.
  2. Select Next

Delivery Time

  1. Set up the date and time at which you wish your campaign to be sent, whether right now or later.
  2. You have to agree to and accept the term and conditions.
  3. Select Schedule campaign.

Please note

Throughout the whole setup, you can go back to each step before saving your campaign.

Creating a Campaign From an Existing Group

You can create a campaign from an existing group in the Groups tab.

In Groups

  1. Select the Campaigns  tab, on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the Groups sub-tab.
  3. Select the check box of the group for which you wish to send a campaign to. You can select as many groups as you want.
  4. Select Create campaign.
  5. Enter the name of your campaign.
  6. Select Create campaign. You will be redirected to the next steps to create your campaign.

In a Specific Group

  1. Select the Campaigns  tab, on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the Groups sub-tab.
  3. Select the specific group to which you wish to send a campaign.
  4. Click on Create campaign.
  5. Enter the name of your campaign.
  6. Click on Create campaign. You will be redirected to the next steps to create your campaign.

Campaign Library

The Campaign library has various message templates for different types of campaigns that you can use and customize.

  1. Select the Campaigns tab.
  2. Select Campaign library at the top left of the page.
  3. Find the message you want to use for your campaign and copy it.
  4. When creating your campaign, paste the message in the Edit message tab.


Do not change any of the words in { curly brackets }, they will be replaced by your customer and/or company's information.

Change the words in [ square brackets ], according to the desired information.

Campaigns Under Review

When you create a campaign, we may have to review and approve it before it is sent to your clients. Why? We want to ensure your campaign meets our policy standards and industry best practices. Not only do we want to protect you and your reputation as the sender, but we want you to achieve the best possible open rate. Furthermore, we want to make sure you are fully compliant with anti-spam laws.

As soon as your campaign is under review, we will notify you by email. 

  1. After you select Create campaign, a message bubble will appear.
  2. Write the reason for your campaign in the message box.
  3. Select Submit for review.

All your campaigns under review will be in the Campaign tab, and you can filter them to see their status. 

  1. To view them, select the Campaigns tab on the left side of your screen.
  2. Select the checkbox Under review to display all affected campaigns.