1. Help Centre
  2. Performance Metrics

Average Response Time

This metric shows the average amount of time it took for a customer to get a reply from your staff. 

Short average response time indicates that staff are working fast and efficiently in providing answers to customers requests for information.

You can choose to display these metrics by day or hour.

At the top of this metrics, you will see the average response time and right under, the % of increase or decrease depending on the chosen period of either 7 days, 30 days or a year. 

Then, you will see the breakdown per day.


In this metric, you can see that the average response time is 3 minutes and 48 seconds.

There was a 24% decrease in the last 7 days which means that, the staff is answering faster than in the last 7 days. In fact, you want your average response time to be as low as possible.

How the AVG Response Time is Calculated

When a user replies to a message from a client, the time difference between the message received from the client and the response sent by the user is calculated. 

This is only calculated when the latest message was a message received from a client. So when a user responds with two messages in a row, only the first counts towards the response time.

If a conversation is closed and the most recent message is from the customer, the response time is not calculated when a user sends a message, since it is considered to be a new conversation.

Each user’s response is averaged for the given time range. 24+ hour responses are ignored.

Improve your AVG response time metric

To improve this metric, you need to answer quickly to your customers.

The faster you answer, the better your customers will enjoy communicating with you.

Also, if a message from a customer does not require an answer, close your conversation. Or else, until you talk to the same customer again, the lapse of time between the last message and the new one will count in your average response time.