Fortellis Automatic Payment Settling (CDK only)

What is Fortellis?

Fortellis is an integration that allows Kimoby to automatically mark payments made in Kimoby Pay as paid in CDK. The payment method and paid amount are also automatically captured and written back in CDK.

What benefits does this feature provide?

Automatic payment settling with Fortellis eliminates the need for manually settling the invoice in CDK, which reduces the human error that comes with manual inputs. Not only does this streamline the process, but it also saves you valuable time by eliminating the need to manually check Kimoby for the invoice’s payment status. Since this information will be readily visible within CDK, you don’t need a Kimoby account to see if an invoice was paid!

What types of transactions are written back into CDK?

Any transaction where a customer has paid an amount through Kimoby Pay will be written back into CDK. Refunds and disputes are not written back into CDK.

Does the Fortellis integration cost anything?

No, this feature is completely free!

How long does it take for a payment to be written back into CDK after it is paid in Kimoby?

It should take a maximum of 30 seconds.

I want to use Fortellis to automatically settle payment in CDK! Where do I start?

You can contact your Account Manager or contact Kimoby support via the Live Chat or at